Mazauric, L., C. Demers & A. Potvin. (2018). Climate Form Finding for Architectural Inhabitability: An experimental research-creation process by models and images. Ambiances, 2018.
Charest, P., Potvin A. & C Demers. (2018). Aquilomorphism: Integrating Wind in Architecture through Ice Weathering Analogical Simulations. Architectural Science review.
Boiné, K., C. Demers & A. Potvin. (2018). Spatio-temporal promenades as representations of urban atmospheres. In: Sustainable Cities and Society 42 674-687.
Watchman, M., A. Potvin & C. Demers. (2017). A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Influence of Wood on Environmental Comfort. In: BioResources 12(4). DOI: 10.15376/biores.12.4.8704-8724.
Demers, C & A Potvin (2017). Erosion in Architecture: A tactile design process fostering Biophilia. In: Architectural Science Review. Volume 60 Issue 4, Pages 325-342. DOI :10.1080/00038628.2017.1336982
Poirier, G., Demers, C. M. H., and Potvin, A. (2017). Experiencing wooden ambiances with nordic light: Scale model comparative studies under real skies. In: BioResources 12(1), 1924-1942. DOI:10.15376/biores.12.1.1924-1942
Jafarian, H., Demers, C., Blanchet, P., & Landry, V. (2017). Effects of interior wood finishes on the lighting ambiance and materiality of architectural spaces. In: Indoor and Built Environment. February. DOI: 10.1177/1420326X17690911
Watchman, M., A. Potvin & C. Demers. (2017). Wood and Comfort: A Comparative Case Study of Two Multifunctional. In: BioResources 12(1), 168-182. DOI: 10.15376/biores.12.4.8704-8724
Jafarian, H., Demers, Claude M. H., Blanchet, P. and Landry, V. (2016) Impact of Indoor Use of Wood on the Quality of Interior Ambiances under Overcast and Clear Skies: Case Study of the Eugene H. Kruger Building, Québec City. In: Bioresources. NC State University. DOI:10.15376/biores.11.1.1647.1663
Demers, C., Potvin, A. (2015) Lighting Diversity and Adaptability to Climate: a quantitative and qualitative urban survey methodology. In: Proceedings of the 5th Professional Lighting Design Convention. Rome. 28-31 October 2015.
Dubois, C., Potvin, A., Adolphe, L. (2015) Design support tools to sustain climate change adaptation at the local level: a review and reflection on their suitability, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2015, Pages 1–11.
Potvin, A, Demers C., et. Al. (2014) A Design Built Approach in the Development of a Wooden Adaptive Architectural System– WCTE 2014, Québec, 10-14 août 2014.
Demers, C., Potvin, A., Giguère-Duval, H. (2013) Inhabiting Adaptive Architecture: Environmental delight in adaptable spaces. In: International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in Architecture (ICAMA2013). Toronto, Canada, 11-12 October 2013.
Potvin, A., Demers, C., DuMontier, C. (2013) WASS -Development of a Wooden Adaptive Structural System. In: International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in Architecture (ICAMA2013). Toronto, Canada, 11-12 October 2013.
Du Montier, C., Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2013) Adaptive Façades for Architecture. , In: International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in Architecture (ICAMA2013). Toronto, 11-12 October 2013.
Demers, C., Potvin, A. (2013) On the Art of Daylighting Calculations: LUMcalcul as a prediction tool in the early design stage. In: Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future. PLEA2013-29th Conference. Munich, Germany, 10-12 September 2013.
DuMontier, C., Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2013) Energy and daylighting potential for Adaptive Façades: Evaluation of movable insulated panels. In: Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future. PLEA2013-29th Conference. Munich, Germany, 10-12 September 2013.
DuMontier, C., Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2013) The adaptive façade in architecture: Assessment of energy and lighting potential of movable insulation panels. In: Solar 2013. The American Solar Energy Society (ASES). Baltimore, USA, 16-20 April 2013.
Lépine, P., Demers, C., Potvin, A. (2012) Environmental Diversity in Architecture Using photographic and thermal imagery for the dynamic assessment of light and heat. In: Towards an Environmentally Responsible Architecture-Opportunities, Limits and Needs. 28th PLEA International Conference. Lima, Peru, 7-9 November 2012.
Potvin, A et al. (2012) Assessing the Microclimatic Performance in Nordic Cities. 8th International Conference on Urban Climate – ICUC 8, Dublin, 6 au 10 août 2012.
Migneron, J-P, Hardy, J-F, Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2012) Enseignement de l’acoustique du bâtiment aux étudiants en architecture de l’Université Laval. Canadian Acoustics/Acoustique canadienne. 44 (2), pp. 15-22.
Dubois, C., Potvin, A. (2012) Adapting cities to climate change: heat and urban form, Proceedings of the ICUC8 – 8th International Conference on Urban Climates, 6th-10th August, 2012, UCD, Dublin Ireland.
Demers, C., Potvin, C. (2012) On the Art of Daylighting Calculations: LUMcalcul as a prediction tool in the early design stage, Opportunities, limits and needs, the 28th International PLEA Conference, Lima, 7-9 november 2012.
Montenegro, E., Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2012) Impact of School Buildings Typologies on Visual, Thermal and Energy Performance, 28th PLEA International Conference 2012 , Lima, Chile, 7-12 novembre 2012.
Giguère-Duval, H., Demers, C., Potvin, A. (2012) Journal lumineux et thermique d’un espace adaptable – Prédiction et analyse des ambiances. Thibaud, Jean-Paul and Siret, Daniel. Ambiances in action / Ambiances en acte(s) – International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, Sep 2012, Montreal, Canada. International Ambiances Network, pp.209-214.
Du Montier, C., Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2012) La façade adaptative – Potentiel énergétique et visuel du panneau isolant mobile. Thibaud, Jean-Paul and Siret, Daniel.Ambiances in action / Ambiances en acte(s) – International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, Sep 2012, Montreal, Canada. International Ambiances Network, pp.751-755.
Galibois, C., Demers, CMH, Potvin, A. (2012) Le végétal comme composante de l’espace architectural – Exploration des potentiels d’ambiances en maquettes et images. Thibaud, Jean-Paul and Siret, Daniel. Ambiances in action / Ambiances en acte(s) – International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, Sep 2012, Montreal, Canada. International Ambiances Network, pp.267-272.
Lépine, P., Demers, CMH, Potvin, A. (2012) Le potentiel de l’imagerie digitale et thermographique pour la visualisation de la diversité environnementale en architecture. Thibaud, Jean-Paul and Siret, Daniel. Ambiances in action / Ambiances en acte(s) – International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, Sep 2012, Montreal, Canada. International Ambiances Network, pp.713-716.
Biron, K., Demers, C. (2012) Dynamique lumière/architecture – Un processus de création et d’analyse de l’ambiance lumineuse et de l’espace architectural. Thibaud, Jean-Paul and Siret, Daniel. Ambiances in action / Ambiances en acte(s) – International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, Sep 2012, Montreal, Canada. International Ambiances Network, pp.771-774.
Demers, C., Potvin, A. (2012) Parametric Daylighting Optimisation at the New ITA Horticultural Pavillion, 28th PLEA International Conference 2012, Lima, Chile, 7-12 novembre 2012.
Celis Mercier, S, Potvin, A. et Montenegro, E. (2011) Environmental Retrofit of a School Building-Towards a Selective Approach Optimizing Inhabitants’ Thermal, Olfactory, and Visual Comfort, in Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2011, Raleigh, North Carolina, May 17, 2011.
Celis Mercier, S, Potvin, A. Ouazia, B. et Tardif, M. (2011) Hybrid Ventilation in Nordic Schools Environmental performance and adaptive opportunities, in Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, July 13-16 2011.
Coulombe, M., Demers, C., Potvin, A. (2010) Dynamique des ambiances lumineuses par relevés vidéo d’espaces de transition. In: Design & Complexity. International Conference of the Design Research Society (DRS), Montreal, Quebec, 7-9 July 2010.
Rodrigue, V., Demers, C. (2010) Empreintes lumineuses nocturnes : Codes et représentations simplifiées appliquées au design de l’éclairage architectural et urbain. In: Design & Complexity. International Conference of the Design Research Society (DRS), Montreal, Quebec, 7-9 July 2010.
Biron, K., Demers, C. (2010) Dynamique forme-lumière : Un processus de création et d’analyse de l’espace architectural par modèles maquettes/images. In: Design & Complexity. International Conference of the Design Research Society (DRS), Montreal, Quebec, 7-9 July 2010.
Biron, K., Demers, C. (2009) Perceptual Interactions between Light and Architecture: A graphical vocabulary using models and photographs. In: Architecture, Energy and the Occupant’s Perspective. 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA). Quebec City, Canada, 22-24 June 2009.
Célis-Mercier, S., Potvin, A. (2009) Sobriété et efficacité énergétique en architecture -Vers une approche intégrée des économies d’énergie en climat froid, Note de synthèse de l’Institut Hydro-Québec en environnement, développement et société (IHQEDS), novembre 2009.
Dufour, M.B., Derome, D., Ouazia, B., Tardif, M., Zmeuraneu, R., Potvin, A., Célis-Mercier, M.S. (2009) In-Situ Performance of Stratified Air Distribution Systems in Canadian Buildings, ASHRAE transactions 115 (2): 1-11.
Demers, C., Potvin, A., Dubois, M.C. (2009), Environmental Satisfaction and Adaptability: The Physical Ambience Rose as a global comfort representation. In: Architecture, Energy and the Occupant’s Perspective. 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA). Quebec City, Canada, 22-24 June 2009.
Dubois, C., Demers, C., Potvin, A. (2009) Daylit Spaces and Comfortable Occupants: A variety of luminous ambiences in support of a diversity of individuals. In: Architecture, Energy and the Occupant’s Perspective. 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA). Quebec City, Canada, 22-24 June 2009.
Potvin, A., Demers, C., Paré, M.P. (2009) Microclimatic Performance of Urban Developments: A simplified analysis and representation technique. In: Architecture, Energy and the Occupant’s Perspective. 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA). Quebec City, Canada, 22-24 June 2009.
Celis-Mercier, S, Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2009) Air Temperature and CO2 Variations in a Naturally Ventilated Classroom Under a Nordic Climate. In: Architecture, Energy and the Occupant’s Perspective. 26th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA). Quebec City, Canada, 22-24 June 2009.
Celis-Mercier, S, Potvin, A., Demers, C. (2008) The Pleasant Temperature: Window Manipulation and Dynamics of Thermal Comfort in a Naturally Conditionned Space. In: Towards Zero Energy Building. 25th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA). Dublin, Ireland, 22-24 October 2008.
Pineault, N., Dubois M-C, Demers, C., MH, Briche, M. (2008) Effect of coated and tinted glazing on daylight quality in a residential space: experimental study in scale model. In: Challenging Glass Conference. Delft University of Technology, Delft, Holland, 22-23 May 2008.
AHMED-OUAMEUR, Fouad , POTVIN, A. (2007) Microclimates and thermal comfort in outdoor pedestrian spaces: A dynamic approach assessing thermal transients and adaptability of the users, in the Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2007, 7-12 July, Cleaveland, Ohio.
POTVIN, A., BONTEMPS, A., DEMERS, C., (2007) The Dynamics of Physical Ambiences: Development of a Representation Technique through a Filmic and Sensory Approach, ACADIA 2007 Conference « Expanding Bodies », Halifax, 1-7 octobre 2007.
DEMERS, C, (2007) « A Classification of daylighting qualities based on contrast and brightness analysis », in the Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2007, 7-12 July, Cleaveland, Ohio.
DEMERS, C., POTVIN, A., (2007), Daylighting anf thermal strategies in the design process: case study of Laval University’s new medical faculty building, in the Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2007, 7-12 July, Cleaveland, Ohio.
DUBOIS, Catherine, DEMERS, C, POTVIN, A. (2007) « The influence of daylighting on occupants: comfort and diversity of luminous ambiences in architecture », in the Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2007, 7-12 July, Cleaveland, Ohio.
POTVIN, A., DEMERS, C., BOURGEOIS, D. (2007) « Neutralising the Canadian climate: the double façade system at the New CDP Building in Montreal », in the Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2007, 7-12 July, Cleaveland, Ohio.
DEMERS, C., POTVIN, A. (2007) Passive environmental control strategies for a cold climate: the Eugene-H-Kruger Building at Laval University, in the Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2007, 7-12 July, Cleaveland, Ohio.
DEMERS, C. (2007) « The Creative Eye: A tactile and digital process of imagining and building lights in architecture », in « Fresh air », Proceedings of the 2007 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) 95th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, 8-11 March. Paper selected from the ACSA 2006 Northeastern Conference
DEMERS, C., POTVIN, A., (2007) Daylighting anf thermal strategies in the design process: case study of Laval University’s new medical faculty building, in the Conference Proceedings of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), SOLAR 2007, 7-12 July, Cleaveland, Ohio.
DEMERS, C. (2006) « The Creative Eye: A tactile and digital process of imagining and building lights in architecture », dans les actes de colloque de l’Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Northeastern Conference, «Imag(in)ng worlds to come» , Québec, CD-ROM, 6-8 octobre 2006.
DEMERS, C. (2006) « Assessing light in architecture: A numerical procedure for a qualitative and quantitative analysis », dans les actes de colloque de , l’Italian Lighting Association (AIDI), Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE), Venise, 9-10 octobre 2006.
POTVIN, A., DEMERS, C. & DUBOIS, M.-C. (2004) Environmental adaptability in architecture: towards a dynamic multi-sensory approach integrating user behaviour., soumis janvier 2004: International Conference Closing the Loop: Post-Occupancy Evaluation: the Next Steps, 29 avril-2 mai 2004. Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK.
DEMERS, C., POTVIN, A. (2004) « LUMcalcul 2.01: prédiction de la lumière naturelle pour la conception architecturale », Proceedings of eSIM2004, Vancouver 9 -11 juin 2004.
POTVIN, A., DEMERS, C., BOIVIN, H. (2004) PETv4.2 Les profils d’équilibre thermique comme outil d’aide à la conception architecturale, Proceedings of eSIM2004, Vancouver 9 -11 juin 2004.
BOURGEOIS, D., POTVIN, A., HAGHIGHAT, F. (2004) Making the case for hybrid ventilation and adaptive comfort theory in Canada: conclusions drawn from a literature review, Proceedings of IAQVEC2004, the 5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation (Toronto).
DEMERS, C., (2002) « Contrasting appearances : daylighting for the New Canadian Embassy in Berlin », Proceedings of PLEA 2002, Passive Low Energy in Architecture, juillet 2002, Toulouse, France.
POTVIN, A. (2002), A Combined Quantitative and Qualitative Approch to Comfort, dans les Actes de PLEA2002 (Passive Low-Energy Architecture, Toulouse, Juillet 2002.
POTVIN, A. (2002) Assessing Environmental Comfort, dans les Actes de ARCC/EAAE Joint Architectural Research Conference, Montréal, May 2002.
BOURGEOIS, D., HAGHIGHAT, F. , POTVIN, A., (2002) On the applicability of hybrid ventilation in Canadian office and educational buildings: Part 1 & Barriers and opportunities stemming from building regulation, Proceedings of Hybrid Ventilation 2002, the 4th International Forum (Montréal).
BOURGEOIS, D., HAGHIGHAT, F. ,POTVIN, A., (2002) On the applicability of hybrid ventilation in Canadian office and educational buildings: Part 2 & Implementing Annex 35 pilot study projects in Canada, Proceedings of Hybrid Ventilation 2002, the 4th International Forum (Montréal).
BOURGEOIS, D., POTVIN, A., DEMERS, C., MIGNERON, J.-G. & GUIMONT, P. (2001) An integrated approach to the design of double-façades in Canadian non-domestic buildings: a case study, Proceedings of IAQVEC2001, the 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation (Changsha, China).
POTVIN, A., DEMERS, C., MIGNERON, J.G., BOURGEOIS, D. & GUIMONT, P. (2000) « The New Canadian Embassy in Berlin: towards an environmental integrated approach to thermal, lighting and acoustics », Proceedings of Rise and Shine 2000, the 26th Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada Inc. and Solar Nova Scotia (Halifax).
POTVIN, A. (2000) « Assessing the Microclimate of Urban Transitional Spaces » dans Architecture City Environment, Proceedings of PLEA 2000, July 2000, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Éditeurs: Koen Steemers and Simos Yannas. James and James Science Publishers, London, 2000.
BOURGEOIS, D., POTVIN, A., HAGHIGHAT, F. (2000) Hybrid ventilation of Canadian non-domestic buildings: a procedure for assessing IAQ, comfort and energy conservation, Proceedings of ROOMVENT2000, the 7th International Conference on Air Distributions in Rooms (Reading, UK).
DEMERS, C., (2000) « Light and the digital image: a proposed framework for design and analysis » dans Architecture City Environment, Proceedings of PLEA 2000, July 2000, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Éditeurs: Koen Steemers and Simos Yannas. James and James Science Publishers, London, 2000.
DEMERS, C., (1999) « The Power of Images » dans les actes du colloque de l’EDRA (Environmental Design and Research Association), Orlando, Floride, 2-6 juin.
DEMERS, C., (1999) « Towards the Sanctuary of Art: reviving lights », dans les Actes de la Conférence Annuelle de l’Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA), Beijing, Chine, juin.
POTVIN, A. (1999) Diversity through continuity -A reflection on the role of architecture in shaping the environment of the city, dans les Actes du XXI ème Congrès de l’Union internationale des architectes, Beijing, 22-26 juin 1999.
POTVIN, A. (1999) Reassessing the environmental performance of 19th century arcades, dans les Actes de 30th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, Orlando, Florida, 2-6 juin 1999.
DEMERS, C., (1998) « Qualities of light and space: contrast as a global integrator » dans les actes du First CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) Symposium on Lighting Quality, Ottawa, Canada, 9-10 mai 1998.
DEMERS, C. et HAWKES, D., (1998) « Images in the assessment and design of daylighting » dans les Actes de la Renewable Energy Technologies in Cold Climates Conference ’98, Societé d’Énergie Solaire du Canada Inc. (SESCI), Montréal, Canada, 4-6 mai 1998.
POTVIN, A. (1998), Bioclimatic Urban Transitional Spaces, dans les Actes de la Renewable Energy Technologies in Cold Climates Conference’98, SESCI, Montréal, 4-6 mai 1998.
POTVIN, A. (1997), The Arcade Environment, dans arq (Architectural Research Quarterly), Emap Construct, London, Issue 8, Vol.2, été 1997, pp. 64-79.
DEMERS, C. et HAWKES, D., (1996) « Images of light: an approach to space generation from lights », dans les Actes de la 4th European Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, Berlin, Allemagne, 26-29 mars 1996.
POTVIN, A. (1996) The Internal Exterior -A thermal approach to urban transitional spaces, dans les Actes de la 4th European Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, Berlin, Allemagne, 26-29 mars 1996.
DEMERS, C. et HAWKES, D., (1995) « Light as a generator of space: a method to integrate light in the early stages of design », dans les Actes de la Florence International Conference for Teachers of Architecture, Florence, Italie, 28-30 septembre1995.
POTVIN, A. (1995) Wind in Architecture -An erosion technique to assess wind behaviour about buildings, dans les Actes de la Florence International Conference for Teachers of Architecture, Florence, Italy, 28-30 sept. 1995.
DEMERS, C., (1994) « Contrast in dayligthed interiors: a method of analysis for designers » dans les Actes de la Conférence Européenne sur la Performance Énergétique et la Qualité des Ambiances, École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État (ENTPE), Lyon, France, 24-26 nov. 1994.
DEMERS, C. et HAWKES, D., (1994) « The image as a tool for composition » dans les Actes de la Conférence Européenne sur la Performance Énergétique et la Qualité des Ambiances, École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État (ENTPE), Lyon, France, 24-26 nov. 1994.
DEMERS, C. et HAWKES, D., (1994) « Typology of lights: a classification according to qualitative and quantitative aspects » dans les Actes de la Conférence Européenne sur la Performance Énergétique et la Qualité des Ambiances, École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État (ENTPE), Lyon, France, 24-26 novembre 1994.
POTVIN, A. et HAWKES, D.U. (1994) Transitions in Architecture, dans les Actes de Renewables ’94: The Road to Prosperity, SESCI, Ottawa, Canada, 31 oct.-2 nov. 1994.
POTVIN, A. et HAWKES, D.U. (1994) Transitions in Architecture -A bioclimatic approach based on environmental diversity, dans les Actes de la Conférence Européenne sur la Performance Énergétique et la Qualité des Ambiances, Lyon, France, 24-26 nov. 1994.
DEMERS, C., (1993) « Architecture de lumière: le contraste générateur d’ambiances » dans les Actes de la Conférence Québec ’93. Le Solaire en Action, Societé d’Énergie Solaire du Canada Inc., (SESCI), Québec, Canada, 9-13 juilllet 1993.
POTVIN, A. et BERNIER B. (1993) Énergie, climat et création d’un espace architectural dynamique, dans les Actes de la Conférence Québec ’93 -Le Solaire en Action, Québec, Canada, 9-13 juillet 1993.
POTVIN, A (1993) Optimisation d’un micro-climat extérieur en fonction du vent et du soleil, dans les Actes de la Conférence Québec ’93. Le Solaire en Action, Québec, Canada, 9-13 juilllet 1993.
POTVIN, A (1993) Optimisation d’un micro-climat extérieur en fonction du vent, poster publié dans les Actes de la Conférence Vancouver ’93 -L’habitation à la fine pointe, CANMET, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25 juin 1993.
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