Agence internationale de l’énergie, International Energy Agency (IEA) The International Energy Agency (IEA) acts as energy policy advisor to 26 Member countries in their effort to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for their citizens. Its mandate incorporates the « Three E’s » of balanced energy policy making: energy security, economic development and environmental protection.
Building Green We are an independent company committed to providing accurate, unbiased, and timely information designed to help building-industry professionals and policy makers improve the environmental performance, and reduce the adverse impacts, of buildings. We offer both print and electronic resources to help you design and build construction projects from a whole-systems perspective and take an integrated design approach that minimizes ecological impact and maximizes economic performance.
Building Research Establishment (BRE), UK The BRE Group is a world leading research, consultancy, training, testing and certification organisation delivering sustainability and innovation across the built environment and beyond. Our mission is to ‘Build a better world’. We help our clients create better buildings and communities and solve problems with confidence.
Building Technologies program: Daylighting, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy In partnership with the private sector, state and local government, national laboratories, and universities, the Building Technologies Program works to improve the efficiency of buildings and the equipment, components and systems withim them. The program supports R&D activities and provides tools, guidelines, training, and access to technical and financial resources.
Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE), International Commission on Illumination The CIE is an organization devoted to international cooperation and exchange of information among its member countries on all matters relating to the science and art of lighting. The CIE is a technical, scientific and cultural, non-profit autonomous organization. It has grown out of the interests of individuals working in illumination. Since its inception 90 years ago, the CIE has become a professional organization and has been accepted as representing the best authority on the subject and as such is recognized by ISO as an international standardization body.
Iluminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) IESNA is the recognized technical authority on illumination. The Society’s 100+ technical publications were developed for all lighting professionals—from lighting designers to lighting manufacturers and lighting engineers, virtually everyone involved with illumination. The IESNA online bookstore includes documents and standards related to a broad variety of lighting applications including office lighting, store (retail) lighting, sports lighting, outdoor lighting, security lighting, and more.
Lighting Research, National Research Council Canada, Conseil national de recherches Canada (CNRC) Lighting research activities were initiated at NRC-IRC in 1976, and initially focussed on energy-efficiency. Since then the group has grown and its range of activities has broadened. Current staff members have training in engineering, architecture, physics, electronics and psychology. A focus on energy-efficiency has been maintained, with an added emphasis on the effect of lighting on people. Current projects address office lighting quality, atrium performance, automatic and manual lighting controls, daylighting, skylight design, and spectral effects. Research activity focuses on the following areas: Energy-Efficient & High-Quality Office Lighting, Daylighting and Sustainable Design, Lighting & Health, Vision.
Radiance (Synthetic Imaging System) Radiance is a suite of programs for the analysis and visualization of lighting in design. Input files specify the scene geometry, materials, luminaires,time, date and sky conditions (for daylight calculations). Calculated values include spectral radiance (ie. luminance + color), irradiance (illuminance + color) and glare indices. Simulation results may be displayed as color images, numerical values and contour plots. Radiance is used by architects and engineers to predict illumination, visual quality and appearance of innovative design spaces, and by researchers to evaluate new lighting and daylighting technologies.
The America Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) ASHRAE fulfills its mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education.
Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings (NCEUB) This is for an EPSRC-Funded Network of researchers, consultancies, designers and manufacturers concerned with building-related energy issues and the requirements for human thermal comfort. The aim of the network is to define and promote the research effort needed to understand and enhance the thermal comfort of building occupants whilst also minimising the energy use of buildings, in particular those without year-round mechanical heating and cooling.
Whole building Design Guide (WBDG) The WBDG is the only web-based portal providing government and industry practitioners with one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria and technology from a ‘whole buildings’ perspective. Currently organized into three major categories—Design Guidance, Project Management and Operations & Maintenance—at the heart of the WBDG are Resource Pages, reductive summaries on particular topics.
Acoustical Society of America (ASA) From the beginning, the Acoustical Society has sought to serve the widespread interests of its members and the acoustics community in all branches of acoustics, both theoretical and applied. The Society is primarily a voluntary organization and attracts the interest, commitment, and service of a large number of professionals. Their contributions in the formation, guidance, administration, and development of the ASA are largely responsible for its world-wide preeminence in the field of acoustics.
Société Française d’Acoustique (SFA) La Société Française d’Acoustique, S.F.A., a pour vocation de regrouper les acousticiens francophones et d’assurer la promotion de l’acoustique par toute forme d’action. Depuis sa création en 1948, la S.F.A. s’attache à développer le caractère pluridisciplinaire de l’acoustique, à faciliter la circulation des informations scientifiques et techniques et à favoriser les contacts entre les laboratoires de recherche et les entreprises.
Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) The Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) isa nonprofit, multi-disciplined organization, dedicated to promoting the exchange of indoor environmental information, through education and research, for the safety and well being of the general public. It was established in 1995 to promote uniform standards, procedures and protocols in the Indoor Air Quality industry.